Saturday, October 13, 2007
Moon Awakening by Lucy Monroe
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“Lucy Monroe captures the very heart of the genre.”
-- Debbie Macomber
“If you enjoy Linda Howard, Diana Palmer, & Elizabeth Lowell, then I think you'd really love Lucy's work.”
-- Lori Foster
"Lucy Monroe is an awesome talent and just gets better with each book."
-- Barb Hicks, The Best Reviews
Why did you become a writer? Was it a dream of yours since you were younger or did the desire to write happen later in your life?
Writing was a dream I had when I was younger, but it got lost somewhere along the way and I ended up getting my MBA and doing management consulting and women's ministry in many different forms until one day I was having a conversation with God in the bathtub and realized I needed to write a book. The rest, as they say, is history. :) Well, actually - it was a really hard and long road to publication, but once the dream was re-born in my heart, I couldn't let it go. I keep my Call story on my website because for me it still has a lot of magic. :)
What do you love about being an author? Is there anything you dislike?
I love writing. Period. I love creating and getting to know new characters, telling their stories, hearing from readers...reading neat reviews, talking to other authors and readers when I get the chance. It's just a really special world. What don't I like? Negative reviews. They hurt. Not saying they shouldn't happen...not everyone is going to like your books. It's just reality, but you did ask. LOL And I don't like waiting for my books to come out...I'm as impatient as readers are for the next one. Okay, so I need to work on my patience quotient, but there it is. :)
How do you balance your personal and writing time?
Sometimes it's very difficult. I love writing, which makes it a harder job to "put away" when it's time to do family or friend stuff. But I love the people in my life and try really hard to give them as much or more than I do the worlds I create. I could ultimately live without my writing, but not without the people that matter to me in my life.
How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story?
Characters always come first and from them, their story. I usually write by the seat of my pants with a vague idea of where my story is going.
What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?
I write category and single title contemporary romance, light romantic suspense, paranormal, historical and have even published an inspirational with Samhain under LC Monroe. (I don't plan to write any more Inspirationals, though I do have one that I wrote a few years ago still to be published with them.) Every story I write is about the characters for me. They come to me and I need to write their stories and wherever that falls under the broad umbrella of romance, so be it.
What is the biggest misconception about being an author?
That it's easy? Seriously, the stress levels of the job are higher than any other job I've had. It's hard, but it's wonderful.
Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
I often will discover similarities between my characters and people I've met or known once the book is written, but that's a bit like real life isn't it? I mean how many people do you know that remind you in small ways of other people you know?
Out of all the characters that you've written, who is your favorite and why?
That's an impossible question for me to answer because I honestly truly love all of my characters.
If you were writing a script for the big screen, who would you want to act in your movie?
I totally suck at this particular vision of my characters is so real, I have a hard time imagining anyone "else" portraying them. But, um...I think Sandra Bullock would make a good Josie from WILLING and Adrian Paul would make a good Simon from THE REAL DEAL.
What would you want readers to take away from your books?
That love is more powerful than hate or adversity. That we don't have to be victims. We can't direct our own destinies per se, but we have a big say about the how the journey goes and even what direction it takes. That life is about living and change and challenge and never to be afraid of being hurt so much that you don't risk experiencing the good stuff.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers in regards to writing a book? A lot. Not how to books, but good books in the genre you want to write in. Then write. Write. Write...and write some more. Don't give up and don't be afraid to change your words when the first one or ten drafts don't work write.
Who are your favorite authors?
Lots and lots and lots...Christine Feehan, Jayne Ann Krentz, Lora Leigh, JJ Massa, Lynne Graham, Michelle Reid, Kate Davies, Lori Foster, Mindy Neff, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Ashleigh Raine, JL Langley, and the list could go on and on and on...
What are you reading right now?
I just finished a book by Ashleigh Raine and I've got Christine Feehan and Lora Leigh's latest on my TBR stack beside my bed.
This book is Book One of the Children of the Moon series.
An enthralling new romantic tale that pushes the boundaries between love and hate, passion and pain-and man and beast...
When Emily Hamilton's family is ordered to send a woman to the Scottish highlands for marriage to the laird of the Sinclair, Emily volunteers in order to save her younger sister from such a fate. But at her new home, the only friend she finds is the laird's sister-especially after Emily's stubborn streak causes the laird to cancel the marriage. And though her plans have gone awry, she refuses to return home...
Lachlan Balmoral is laird of his clan-and leader of his pack. One of the most feared werewolves prowling the Highlands, he is on the march against the hated Sinclair, who have abducted a Balmoral woman. He kidnaps the sister of the Sinclair laird, planning to marry her off in revenge-but the woman he takes along with her proves to be the greater prize...
For Emily feeds a desire he has never known existed. And though Lachlan would not think of touching his enemy's betrothed, he must know how a mere woman could tame his heart so easily...
They reached the lake after a half an hour of brisk walking. Cait ordered the young soldier to wait for them with his back turned on the other side of some bushes. After realizing the two women intended to bathe, the boy turned bright red and hurried to obey his laird's sister.
As always, Emily was careful to stay in the shallowest water, refusing Cait's

Emily and Cait were finished bathing and redonning their clothes when Cait went utterly still. She turned toward where the Sinclair soldier had gone as if trying to see through the thick plant growth.
"What's the matter?" Emily asked. "He's not peeking, is he?"
Cait shook her head and put her finger against her lips in a sign to be quiet. Emily couldn't imagine what had her so agitated, but she did as Cait said and finished dressing as silently as possible. Cait did the same, her expression stark with worry.
She went rigid with tension, grabbing the small knife she used at mealtimes from her belt. Her eyes were fixed on the foliage several feet from the water's edge. Emily's gaze followed Cait's, though she had no idea what they were both watching for. A wild animal perhaps? But she hadn't heard anything and she had very good hearing.
The answer came a second later as four gigantic warriors, their faces painted with macabre blue designs and wearing a plaid of dark blue, green and pale yellow came out of the forest. They were riding the biggest horses she'd ever seen...bareback.
Stunningly sexy and emotionally riveting, Lucy Monroe has given us a paranormal romance that made me literally lose myself within the pages. Moon Awakening is easily one of the best paranormals I've ever read!
-- Melissa, Joyfully Reviewed
4.5 Stars
This book should cause quite a stir among readers and cement her reputation as a writer of original, entertaining stories.
-- Kathe Robin, Romantic Times
4.5 Stars
A highly sensual story, skillfully told.
-- Miranda York, Affaire De Couer
Moon Awakening by Lucy Monroe
ISBN-10: 0425214265
Publisher: Berkley
Release Date: February 6, 2007
Genre: Paranormal Romance
$7.99 from
Purchase Moon Awakening by Lucy Monroe HERE!!!