Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Collector 7: This Time Forever by Lucynda Storey
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Lucynda Storey has been seriously writing since 1998, but has had a life long love of the written word since she was old enough to read “Dick and Jane”. She still has her first collection of short stories written in fourth grade, “Different Points of View from Shoes”.
Her tales have been well received. Simply Irresistible was a recommended read at Road to Romance, Reynardine won the ENDA for best erotic contemporary romance of 2004, and The Captive’s Release earned a recommended read from Fallen Angels Review. She is the secretary of her local RWA chapter and owner of Aspen Mountain Press
(www.AspenMountainPress.com) . Her articles on writing can be found at www.realmsoflove.com and http://cyn.blogspirit.com. Excerpts of her novels can be found at www.lucyndastorey.com.
Her titles include:
The Captive’s Release (Fallen Angel Reviews Recommended Read)
Reynardine (4 Stars from Romantic Times)
Blind Devotion (Eppie Finalist and nominated by The Romance Studio for best fantasy romance CAPA)
Simply Irresistible (Road to Romance Recommended Read)
The Collector 7: This Time Forever
She has also written several novellas including:
Passionate Resources: Naomi
Mistletoe Wish
Bet Me
Things That Go Bump in the Night (Creatures of the Night, Creatures of Delight)
In December, her non-fiction project 10 Steps to Creating Memorable Characters was released by Lone Eagle (Watson-Guptill) and is available at book stores or via the web.
She taught junior high and high school for 17 years and has presented workshops on goal setting, brainstorming and developing characters for various writing groups.
In addition to writing and encouraging others to follow their dreams she is active in her community, volunteering with the local police force, helping pre-schoolers with arts and crafts and working with teens in a variety of organizations. If there is a free day to be had on a fall weekend, you would most likely find her working the concession stands at Invesco Field at Mile High to help raise money for her daughter’s high school choir, or traveling to Colorado Springs to visit her son attending the Air Force Academy.
Why did you become a writer? Was it a dream of yours since you were younger or did the desire to write happen later in your life?
I became a writer because I had all these stories going on in my head. I've always told and written stories since the time I could talk and hold a crayon. It was only when I was older, that I seriously persued writing and thinking that maybe someone else would like read the stories I had.
What do you love about being an author? Is there anything you dislike?
I love being able to create sexy men, the women who love them and the worlds they live in. Like most authors I don't like interruptions and doing promotional work can take up the precious time you have to write.
How do you balance your personal and writing time?
These days it is more difficult. Right now I am running Aspen Mountain Press and a lot of my time is taken up with responsibilities to the company. I frequently take my AlphaSmart or my laptop, or an old-fashioned notebook and write when I have to wait for kids. I also get up earlier in the morning to try and get some of my personal writing accomplished.
How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story?
For each book it's been different. Usually an idea comes to me followed closely by one of the major characters. The world comes about because of the plot.
What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?
I write romantic suspense, science ficion, and fantasy. I write the stories I write because that is what comes into my brain through daydreaming, music or dreams. Every once in a while I'll see something in the media and that will spark an idea. For instance, we just had an article in our local newspaper about witnesses in the witness protection program being killed. Just seeing that headline produced an "Aha!" moment and the ideas started coming fast and furiously.
What is the biggest misconception about being an author?
That we have oddles of time and a real easy life, oodles of money, that writing a book is easy and anyone can do it.
Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
My characters are a composite of real people I've met or seen. I usually add other facets from my imagination.
Out of all the characters that you've written, who is your favorite and why?
Jack Smith and Amanda Bryne of Refugee are two of my favorites. Jack is a real macho cop with a heart for children and Amanda is trying hard to find her own internal strength after suffering emotional and physical abuse.
If you were writing a script for the big screen, who would you want to act in your movie?
Bruce Willis, David Boreanaz or Brad Pitt could be Jack Smith. For Amanda, hmmm, maybe someone like Jennifer Garner. But if we're talking just making any ol' movie, I'd take Bruce, Brad, David Clive Owen, Eric Bana, Sendhil Ramamurthy, George Clooney, or this absolutely amazing man, Ashraf Barhom. For actresses I'd want Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Jodi Foster, Jennifer Garner, although a lot of the fun for me would be all the tryouts and readings that actors and actresses go through before parts are assigned. I always thought being a casting director would be great fun.
What would you want readers to take away from your books?
That love really can conquer all. That there is hope in what sometimes looks like a hopeless world.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers in regards to writing a book?
If you really want to write, don't ever give up, don't let anything get in your way. If you want to do it, you will find a way.
Who are your favorite authors?
I really like Laura Baumbach, Shana Abe, Terry Brooks, Orson Scott Card, Michelle Hasker, Dawn Montgomery, Lizze T. Leaf and Lena Austin. But, the truth is, there are so many AMAZING writers I've been introduced to on the Internet that I couldn't list all the ones, like Sharon Maria Bidwell, who are on my auto-buy list.
What are you reading right now?
Right now I am reading The Pride by Joan Johnson and a mystery, The Shell Game by Jeff Buick.
When terminally ill Skylar Creighton tries to aid an injured homeless man who's been stabbed, his attacker follows him into her bookstore demanding a green crystal. When the victim shoves a pale green gem into her hands, the mysterious crystal sends her hurtling into the cabin of the Rand Edward Jamison's Red Sky, a pirate ship. The captain—she knows and loves from the yellowed pages of his own journals.
When Rand hears a noise in his cabin, his senses go on full alert. Finding an interloper, he's sure his enemy, Owain Cutler, has found an assassin. What Rand doesn't expect to find is his deceased wife Emma's reincarnation. When this stranger unleashes her tongue with her sarcastic retorts he's confused. Is she or isn't she Emma? And what is all this nonsense about traveling through time from the future?
Skylar's been fantasizing about Rand for years, and Rand's convinced she's his dead wife returned to him. Between her new love giving her a determination to live and his old one giving him the determination to save her life, she's shortly begging he ravage her like the pirate that he is. But then Cutler steals the sistrum, and he's after Emma - or is it Skylar? He enlists the aid of a Hudu woman to send her own to her own time, because he will not lose her again.
Now all Rand has to do is find a way to get to Skylar and keep Cutler from killing her in a future three hundred years away.
“Does striking a woman turn you on, Rand? Do you get off on making a woman helpless?”
He spanked her again. He didn’t know her expressions, but the meaning was clear.

“I’m sure you’d like to believe that,” she retorted.
He swatted her again. The heat of her buttocks seeped through the cotton of her breeches. “My statement can be proven.”
“Like hell.”
Grasping the waist of her breeches, he yanked them down. The scent of her arousal tickled his nostrils, inflaming his own desire to greater heights. Her cheeks were a lovely bright red, a thin piece of material barely covering her wares. He rubbed his forefinger along the seam of her ass, stopping when he touched the hot moisture between her legs. Rand leaned over and neared her ear. “I heard what you said, missy. About thinking you loved me.”
“You heard wrong,” she gasped.
“Then why are you wet with desire?” He stroked his finger against her damp folds. The heat of her flesh, her desire, her shortness of breath told him all he needed to know. Rubbing back and forth, he found a tight knot of skin and slicked her moisture around the hard nub. Her breathing came faster, her control slipping. She could argue all she liked, but the evidence was between her legs, beneath his fingertip.
“I…I…I’m not…I don’t … ”
Rand lifted her from his lap, the filthy breeches falling to the floor. “Your body says otherwise.” He crushed her against him, his mouth claiming hers. Forcing her lips to part for him, his tongue dueled with hers. He freed a hand from holding her and released his belt. His sword and pistol fell with a solid, muted thud to the floor atop his clothing. The erection Skylar caused sprang free, hard as a mast.
In a move that surprised him, she stroked his rod and moaned against his mouth. The motion nearly pushed him past him limits of control. Vixen! She thought her touch would weaken him, but Rand knew it was he who’d won, if he could last a few moments more.
The battle was over. He gripped the tunic she wore and ripped it from her shoulders, revealing her luscious, creamy white breasts encased in flimsy red. He pushed the material aside and dipped his mouth to suckle first one, then the other nipple.
His suckling earned him a lusty moan, the sound nearly driving him past his limits. He needed to take her, make her his, but not until she begged him, not until she stopped fighting him.
“Rand,” she whispered, tracing a finger down the seam of his shirt. “I need to feel you, all of you.”
He didn’t need an invitation. It was the acquiescence he sought, her lust-filled voice illuminating the depth of her need. He whipped off his shirt while Skylar released the undergarment she wore. Gods, she was beautiful, so feisty and full of life. He laid her back against the mattress and reveled in the wonder of her offering herself to him.
“Rand,” she moaned again, a touch of impatience in her voice. “Now, please.”
"Lucynda Storey has written a scorching adventure of timeless love. Rand and Skylar will burn your senses with their erotic love scenes and the plot twists will keep you glued to the story. I loved the way the story ended and want to read more of The Collector series and how lovers are brought together with magical artifacts. It’s an interesting and grand adventure well worth reading."
-- Night Owl Romance
4 stars!
"Ms. Storey created a beautiful love story with characters that had nothing to lose and everything to gain. The plot and characters described were very real. I could almost imagine myself going back in time with Skylar. I loved Skylar’s spirit, she wasn’t going to allow doctors to experiment on her when she knew she didn’t have much longer to live. She wants to embrace life just once more. Rand’s character, while lacking in history, was larger than life. Rand was everything that I imagined a pirate to be. Seeing him through Skylar’s eyes was a real treat as we are able to see all of his flaws. The sex between them was beautiful, hot enough to grab your partner for a session.
-- Just Erotic Romance Reviews
The Collector 7: This Time Forever by Lucynda Storey
ISBN: 978-1-59632-473-2
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Time Travel
$5.99 from Loose-id.net
Purchase The Collector 7: This Time Forever by Lucynda Storey HERE!!!