Thursday, September 06, 2007
Earthly Possession by Erin Aislinn

Ever since she had first dreamed of America, Erin has also been fascinated by vampires. In writing The Night of Maya and Earthly Possession, she has finally realized the dream of creating her own vampire heroes and heroines.
Erin now lives in Southern California with her husband. Drop by her website at
Why did you become a writer? Was it a dream of yours since you were younger or did the desire to write happen later in your life?
I’d been writing for many years, even won awards early in life, but the idea of actually being a writer took quite a long time to crystallize. Only when I took on the challenge of writing my first novel ten years ago did I actually begin to think of myself as a writer.
What do you love about being an author? Is there anything you dislike?
Creating new worlds, new characters, letting my imagination run wild and feeling that everything I imagined is actually real. I dislike the pressure to write to market trends even though the pressure might be more imagined that real.
How do you balance your personal and writing time?
They are not separate. I used to be the kind of writer who had to clean house before I started writing. Now, I just can’t wait to finish a project so I can clean house. After intense mental focus, especially to meet a deadline, cleaning becomes a much needed vacation for the brain.
How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story?
In most stories, the characters come first, usually with clear hang-ups about what keeps them from fulfilling some desire, which gives birth to the story. Everything else comes from there.
What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?
My first novel was a contemporary romance, but since then, I’ve written predominantly paranormal (vampire) erotic romance. I have a few new contemporaries planned, though.
What is the biggest misconception about being an author?
That it’s easy.
Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
Mostly from my imagination, but from time to time, some of the people I know make cameo appearances. They’d never recognize themselves of course.
Out of all the characters that you've written, who is your favorite and why?
Maya, in the Night of Maya. I’ve always been fascinated by virgin heroines, but Maya is more than that. She is a virgin who must rise up to become the queen of the vampires. She combines the vulnerability and innocence of a young woman, but also the passion and drive of a fierce warrior. I like her because so much of her power comes from her innocence.
If you were writing a script for the big screen, who would you want to act in your movie?
Actually, I hope and dream that one of my novels in progress might be made into a movie some day because one of the characters was written for Tom Jane. Just love that guy. And I’d love Thandie Newton to play Maya.
What would you want readers to take away from your books?
That everything is connected, sometimes in mysterious and magical ways. Romance and erotic romance is about finding those connections.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers in regards to writing a book?
1. When you first get the desire to write, just write the story you’re most passionate about. Don’t worry about markets and trends. Don’t worry about how long it is. Just listen to and obey your Muse.
2. Familiarize yourself with the fundamental conventions of the genre in which you’re writing. Like Orson Scott Card said: “The difference between fantasy and sci-fi is that sci-fi has rivets and fantasy has trees.” It can be that simple. Only when you know the rules can you be ready to break them. Also become familiar with basic story-telling craft; characterization, plot, structure.
3. Write some more.
4. Keep writing.
Who are your favorite authors?
I have to admit I’m one of those Diana Palmer addicts. I love Shannon McKenna, Cheryl Holt, Robin Schone. Dean Koontz, of course. Alice Walker is also a fav.
What are you reading right now?
Harry Potter and Sacred Sexuality by George Feurstein.
To avoid an arranged marriage on planet Dattar, where female vampires are the dominant sex, Kheyra Baal escapes to Earth. Just once in her life, she wants to experience real passion, with a real alpha male. She has five days before the Dattaran posse tracks her down, and she is determined to couple with the perfect mortal man. Instead, she trespasses on the hunting ground of Deacon Quincy, another vampire. Vampires are not supposed to exist on Earth. They are certainly not supposed to be alphas who demand ultimate submission. Deacon Quincy, however, doubts Kheyra’s intentions. She’ll have to risk her heart and her life to convince him she’s worth keeping.
Deacon twisted her arm behind her back, grabbed her around the waist and shoved her against the wall.
Their bodies came together, and his face loomed a hairsbreadth away from hers. Passersby glanced over at them, whistling at what Deacon made appear like a meeting of impatient lovers.
“I thought I made myself clear,” he growled. She relaxed. No point in fighting, so

He twisted her arm harder. “I really don’t want to hurt you,” he said. If only her weeping arousal counted as pain.
“I live here,” she said.
“I don’t care.”
“I don’t have time to look for another hideout. I won’t bother you. I swear I’ll be gone in a few nights.” The sooner he got his hands off her, the sooner the ground would solidify again. His grip loosened on her arm, only to be replaced with his body weight. Kheyra’s breath caught. His chest pinned her breasts until they hurt. What would he feel like if they were naked? She, flat on her back, with Deacon on top? She swallowed, clamping her jaws hard.
What Deacon did next almost knocked her out. He sniffed. A long, deep inhale like he needed the effort to remember her better.
“Who sent you here?” he asked.
The accusing tone hinted at Deacon’s reasons for keeping his boundaries firm. She knew nothing of vampire life on Earth. Perhaps, they battled each other, and Deacon only acted in self-defense. She shuddered. He might be stronger than her, but what if more powerful specimens threatened him so he could never let down his guard.
“Let me go,” she pleaded. More than it hurt to be rejected, it hurt that he’d think she meant him harm, when all she could imagine was her body entwined with his.
“What do you want?” he hissed.
She laughed. Irony had become the curse of the day.
“What’s so funny?” he bit off, jerking her so hard against the wall he forced her breath out.
“I’ll get out of your way. Isn’t that what you wanted?” she cut back.
“Why didn’t you leave when I told you to?”
Now, he was starting to irritate her. “I don’t take orders from you. Let go!”
He scowled. “Who do you take orders from?”
Even full of rage, his voice set her heart into a frenzy. Her nipples ached against the wall of his chest. As if he noticed, he pulled back.
“Who sent you?”
“No one!” she spat.
“Then what do you want?”
Suddenly, she got so tired. Why not simply tell him the truth? If Grace was right, telling him that she wanted him might just send him running faster than this stupid tug-of-war. What coming clean would actually do to her peace of mind was a whole other matter. Did it really make that much difference? She’d crossed galaxies to find him, so why was it so hard to actually tell him?
“You’re testing my patience, wench,” he said.
She looked down his chest. The top two buttons of his formfitting black shirt gaped undone, revealing the hair-covered flesh. Kheyra’s clitoris twitched.
“Please, let me go,” she said in the most collected voice she could muster.
She’d never actually counted on having to verbalize her mission. The ‘slut-wear’, as Grace called it, served to get the message across. She understood, though, what Grace meant. Telling Deacon that she wanted him sexually would be a huge mistake. One, he’d laugh at her, and the image of that created a dull ache in her gut. Two, he’d reject her. Again. Only this time… Enough. She had to stop.
Frowning, he eased the pressure until she actually had room to take a breath. What an imposing creature.
“Okay,” he said. “Just tell me what you want in Hollywood.”
He pierced her with a “don’t mess with me” stare. It was starting to hurt too. The pain of wanting him became real and worsened by the second. If he refused her, she had to get away from his eyes and from that body.
“You,” she uttered. The whole world collapsed around her. He didn’t laugh. He didn’t move. He only drew in labored breaths.
"Fast paced and packed with passion, this page turner will keep readers glued to the story from its lust filled beginning to its love filled end."
-- Affaire de Coeur
"SENSATIONAL! Oh yeah; a sexy alpha vampire who knows what he wants, and the female submissive who wants it too. Set at a fast pace, this story is chocked full of action and explosive sex. Never a dull moment, you will be riveted by the continual rapport between these two. Danger, betrayal, and past enemies make this one highly energetic and entertaining read. A definite must for all of the vampire lovers."
-- Coffee Time Romance
Earthly Possession by Erin Aislinn
ISBN #9781419908873
Genre: vampire romance
$5.20 from Ellora's Cave
Purchase Earthly Possession by Erin Aislinn HERE!!!