Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Wolf's Mate by Cynthia Eden
Cynthia Eden writes tales of paranormal suspense and erotic romance. Her publishers include Kensington Brava, Avon Red, Red Sage, and ImaJinn Books. Cynthia lives in the South (the Deep South!). She loves reading and writing about stories that push boundaries--stories that ask, "What if...?" She's been a teacher and a college counselor, but writing has always been her true passion.
For more information about Cynthia and her writing, visit her website at and blog at the Romance Blog.

Why did you become a writer? Was it a dream of yours since you were younger or did the desire to write happen later in your life?
Writing has definitely been a long-standing dream for me. In high school, I was on the newspaper staff. In college, well, same thing. I took a ton of communication classes, and when I had free time, I wrote--novels, short stories--whatever my mood dictated.
What do you love about being an author? Is there anything you dislike?
I love being able to create new worlds and characters in my mind. I've always had a very active imagination, and it's good to be able to let that imagination run free!
Anything I dislike? Hmmm. Honestly, no. I guess I just wish I had more time to write.
How do you balance your personal and writing time?
Well, I've got a small son (he's nineteen months old), and he comes first for me. But I set writing goals for myself: Ten pages, or no sleep. So, I take care of my son, spend time with the hubby and the rest of the family, and I usually write at night. When I reach my daily page goal, then I sleep.
How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story?
Different stories come to me in different ways. Sometimes I'll start with just a scene, or with a character, and the full tale develops later.
What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?
I write paranormal suspense (for Kensington Brava) and erotic romance (from Avon Red and Red Sage). I've been a fan of the paranormal since I was a kid (yep, got addicted with Poltergeist), and I like to ask "What if?" questions in my stories. To me, it is just more fun to create stories about supernatural creatues--with them, you can throw the old rule books out the window and just write.
What is the biggest misconception about being an author?
I think a lot of people don't get that authors are just ordinary people. We have families, homes, clothes that need to be washed. A writer's life isn't a glamorous party. It's hard work, but work that is so very worthwhile to me.
Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
They are generally from my imagination. Although I've certainly threatened to create characters based on folks I know! :-)
Actually, when I create my heroes, I do tend to steal a bit from a few folks. I've stolen Vin Diesel's voice before, and I've also taken his great, strong jaw.
Out of all the characters that you've written, who is your favorite and why?
I flip-flop on this depending on the week. Right now, my favorite is Dr. Emily Drake, the heroine from my Kensington Brava, HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT (May 08). She's smart, tough (she won't take crap from anyone!), and has an addiction to chocolate ice cream (definitely my kind of woman).
If you were writing a script for the big screen, who would you want to act in your movie?
Hands down, I think Vin Diesel makes one fabulous hero--um, you might have picked up on that from one of my previous answers. For a heroine, Sandra Bullock--she's down to earth and has a fun charm about her.
What would you want readers to take away from your books?
I just want readers to enjoy my books. To get lost in the story for a few hours and to forget the troubles of their everyday lives.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers in regards to writing a book?
Don't be afraid to push boundaries. Write the story you want to read--don't worry about any trends that might or might not be out there. If you get rejected, DO NOT GIVE UP! Everyone gets rejected--that's just part of the writing game. Keep writing, no matter what.
Who are your favorite authors?
Christine Feehan, Linda Howard, Angela Knight, Shannon McKenna, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Julie Garwood...and, oh, jeez, but I could probably go on for quite a while!
What are you reading right now?
When Michael Morlet finds Katherine "Kat" Hardy fighting for her life in a dark alley, he instantly recognizes her as the mate he’s been seeking all of his life. From that moment, he knows that he will do whatever it takes to claim her, body and soul. Unfortunately, someone's trying to kill Kat, and the attack in the alley is just the first in a series of close calls for his mate. With danger stalking them at every turn, will Kat trust him enough to become The Wolf's Mate?
She stepped forward, into the glowing light of the moon. And he got his first good look at her face. Such a sweet, lovely face. She had big eyes, eyes that swam with emotion, a small, slightly upturned nose, high cheekbones, and full, pouting lips.
“Well, I’d better be going.” She flashed him a smile, showing perfectly white, even teeth. “Th-thanks again.”
He blinked. Surely she didn’t think that she was just going to walk away from him

He lifted his hand, catching a strand of her red hair. Little Red Riding Hood had stumbled onto a wolf. A very hungry wolf.
She stilled at his touch, her eyes widening even more.
“Mademoiselle, I’m afraid that I cannot let you leave yet.” No, not yet. Not ever.
She licked her lips, a quick, nervous move that caused his cock to swell with arousal. “Wh-why not?”
He stepped toward her, and she scrambled back, hitting the rough wall of the alley. He stared down at her, drinking in the sight of her beautiful form, and his nostrils flared as he inhaled her sweet scent.
A scent that called to him, a scent that marked her…marked her as the woman he’d been searching for his entire life.
A human. His mate was a human, like Gareth’s. He would have to use care with her, try not to frighten her too much.
“I saved you,” he whispered, bending toward her. His arms were on either side of her body, caging her in place. “Those men—they were planning to hurt you tonight.”
Her chin lifted. “And I thanked you for that. Now…now I want to go. I should probably go call the police and—”
He shook his head. “I told you, I cannot let you leave yet. After all, you owe me.”
Her lips thinned. “I don’t know what you want but—”
“Oh, it’s quite simple, really.” His gaze dropped to her mouth. Such a sexy mouth. “I want you. And when I see something I want, I take it.”
"Readers will appreciate Cynthia Eden’s steamy sex scenes while enjoying a plotline laced with spectacular action scenes. Ms. Eden has managed to spice up the werewolf theme and create an enjoyable approach to the genre."
-- Anne, CK2s Wips and Kritiques
4.5 Stars: "Not to be outdone by previous Secrets tales, number 18 releases inner beasts—paramedic hunks, a singer in distress and one hot and desperate werewolf—to make the latest Secrets one that will stay in readers’ hearts and minds for a long time. Fantastic love scenes make this a book to be enjoyed more than once."
-- Faith V. Smith, Romantic Times
"A wonderfully written addition to the anthology, Cynthia Eden has created a tale full of enough action and romance to thrill fans of paranormal romance. Michael is the typical alpha male and Kat one of the new breed of strong heroines who won't take a back seat when it comes to protecting their loved ones. My favorite of all of the tales in this anthology, The Wolf’s Mate will leave you panting for more."
"For a titillating evening of erotic escapism, SECRETS: Volume 18 will transport you to a fantasy world you won't want to miss."
-- Phillipa Ann, Romance Reviews Today
The Wolf's Mate by Cynthia Eden
Secrets, Volume 18: Dark Passions
ISBN-13: 978-0975451687
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: December 30, 2006
Publisher: Red Sage Publishing, Inc.
$10.39 from
Purchase The Wolf's Mate (Secrets, Volume 18: Dark Passions) by Cynthia Eden HERE!!!