Monday, July 23, 2007
The Fourth of July by Cami Checketts

Cami Checketts is married and the proud mother of three wild boys. Sometimes between being a human horse, cleaning up magic potions, and reading Curious George, she gets the chance to write fiction.
For more info, visit her
website at
When eight parade floats explode during the annual Fourth of July celebrations, Agent Chris Harmer must find who planted the bombs before the terrorists strike again.
His troubles aren’t isolated to terrorism. Chris falls in love with the FBI’s feisty psychiatrist, Alexis Osborne. She won’t commit to someone who doesn’t share her religious values, and Chris has no desire to convert.
Chris rubbed Alexis’s back. He whispered comforting words over and over. “It’s okay, Half-pint. I’m here. I won't let anyone hurt you.”
She shuddered again. A longing to stay in Chris’s embrace for hours momentarily replaced her fear. His lips and breath touched her forehead. If she looked up, she could kiss him to show her gratitude.
No. If she looked up he’d see the tears in her eyes. She stiffened in his

“I was doing just fine on my own,” she said.
Chris arched an eyebrow. “Oh, you were?”
“Yes, you didn’t need to come rescue me like some damsel in distress.” Her tone was intentionally sharp to disguise her feelings. She would cry if she let her anger go.
“I’m sorry,” Chris said, his voice rising. “What did you want me to do? Leave you alone with the man who was dragging you through the trees by your hair?”
Alexis shook her head. “I guess not. Aren’t you going to go after him?” She didn’t know why she couldn’t just admit Chris had saved her from a fate worse than death.
“I should.” Chris rolled his eyes, his frustration with her evident. “I was concerned about how you were doing, but obviously you don’t need my help. Do you want me to leave?”
“No,” Alexis admitted, hugging herself for warmth even though it was a balmy summer morning. “I don’t want to let him hurt anyone else.”
“Neither do I.” He jammed a hand through his wavy hair. “I especially didn’t want him to hurt you.”
Alexis felt awful for chastising him when he had just rescued her. Why did she act like this with him?
Why did you become a writer? Was it a dream of yours since you were younger or did the desire to write happen later in your life?
I've always loved to read and think up stories, but I never thought of being a writer. After my second baby, I suffered from postpartum depression. Nothing severe, but I slept a lot! My mom suggested I write a novel. I started that day and have rarely taken a nap since.
What do you love about being an author? Is there anything you dislike?
I love getting all the stories out of my head and onto the computer. It's always amazing to me the things my characters do and so fun to get to know them. Dislikes? I like to be organized, which doesn't really happen for me since I started writing. I can never catch up. Maybe when the kids are raised. LOL
How do you balance your personal and writing time?
I write from 1-3 p.m. and then after the boys are in bed. The rest of the time I'm with my boys - we clean, play, read stories and do service. I have to schedule writing time or I'd sneak into my office every spare moment. My boys are great and it's far too easy to let them play and write. If I keep on the schedule, they get the attention they need and keep being good kids.
How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story?
I have vivid nightmares. My plots come from them and usually I see some of the characters as well.
What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?
I write inspirational romantic suspense. My faith is such a part of me, even though I've tried to not write inspirational at times, my books always get classified as such. I have to have the suspense to keep me interested and keep my brothers and dad happy! The romance is the icing on the cake for me.
Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
Most of my characters are based on someone I know and love - the good guys anyway!
Out of all the characters that you've written, who is your favorite and why?
Alexis Osborne, the protagonist in The Fourth of July is my favorite. She was inspired by my best friend - she's spunky and fun, yet nicer than anyone you've ever met.
What would you want readers to take away from your books?
A good friend of mine said after reading my books she finds herself praying more often and not taking her family for granted. That was the greatest compliment she could give me. I hope others learn to cherish the good times, because trials are inevitable, so we need to enjoy it when it's good.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers in regards to writing a book?
Find a good critique partner, read a lot, write even more, join an organization like RWA and never give up!
What are you reading right now?
Shadow Song by Dorothy Keddington. It's an older romantic suspense that I read in high school. I had to read it again to see if it was as good as I remembered. It is.
If you could be anyone or anything that you wanted, who or what would you be?

"Ms. Cami Checketts has written a very detailed plot which has an eerie slant to it, especially with July 4th a few days away! The terrorists had struck America on its own soil, and had much more planned. The details were specific but the FBI had found nothing! Would anything show up to help Chris and Dylan in their investigation? Would Alexis and Dylan have any influence with Chris concerning his spiritual status?
All the characters are believable and they are presented in such a way that I felt I was actually personally involved in each situation. The specific way people, in general, forgot about the horrific bombings only days after they happened, and the way they were continuing with their regular life circumstances, gave a glimpse of some of the same conditions we faced after 9-11! The poignant aspects caused much soul-searching. However, as chilling as these reminders are, the book is well written and an exceptional book no matter your opinions or how you view the war on terrorism.
I recommend this book as one which will affect you deeply!"
-- Review by Brenda Talley, The Romance Studio
"The Fourth of July is an inspirational romance with a strong Christian theme. Much of the book focused on Alexis, Rachel, and Dylan’s strong faith and Chris’s lack of it. The message was that although a belief in God won’t stop the bad things in the world from happening, it will allow us to deal with them and try to understand them. Non Christians might have a problem with the intensity of it, but it’s still a beautiful story that will invoke many different emotions in the reader. Be prepared to laugh and cry throughout."
-- Debbie,
The Fourth of July by Cami Checketts
ISBN: 1-60154-073-6
Release Date: June 2007
Genre: Inspirational Romance/Thriller
$5.00 (ebook) from The Wild Rose Press
$12.99 (print) from
Purchase The Fourth of July by Cami Checketts HERE!!