Sunday, December 17, 2006
Four Things
I got tagged for this a while back. So here are the significant FOURS in my life:
Four most important people in my life:
1. my mom
2. my dad
3. my fiance
4. my youngest brother
Four things I can't live without:
1. my pc
2. cash (must be at least 1500 php per day)
3. my meds
4. fruits
Four weird things about me:
1. I can't sleep without reading my mails.
2. I can't eat on time.
3. I write when I like to. No one can force me to write when I don't feel like scribbling. (I'm quite impulsive..hehehe..even editors can't move me)
4. I'm a shopaholic (I can spend as much as 8000-10 000 php in a normal day)
Four kinds of people I hate most:
1. those who doesn't admit defeat
2. hypocrites
3. arrogant fools
4. envious jerks
Four adjectives that best describes me:
1. carefree
2. playful
3. sophisticated
4. rational/logical
Four favorite foods:
1. pasta
2. tiramisu
3. fruit decadence
4. ice cream
Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. A Beautiful Mind
2. Secret Window
3. Legally Blonde 1
4. The Notebook
Four TV shows I enjoy:
1. The Tyra Banks Show
2. Merge
3. Myx's Daily Hit Chart
4. Ambush Makeover
Four places I'd like to visit:
1. France
2. Utah
3. Iceland
4. Hawaii
Four websites I go to daily:
1. My homepage
2. Stifled Squeal
Yesterday, my site was picked Blog of the Day by 2006 Weblog Awards - Blog Of The Day Awards - Top Blog Awards. Thanks a lot to those who nominated me. I'm so pleased to post the award button here: