Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Fall into Reading 2007

I’ve always loved stories and books, and have always found magic in literature. But recently, I only get around to finishing a few page-turning wicked-fun brilliant chick-lit books. This morning, I came across a reading challenge from another blog and somehow thought that this might be that "gentle prod" I need to get me into reading more. I decided to join up today since it's the last day to register to try to see what I can read by the end of the year.
The rules are fairly simple. If you decide to take on the challenge, you need to list the books you've been meaning to read (books you've started but never finished or simply books you just would like to read that you already have or will still buy). You can read as many as you can or as few books as you like. Then, you must post your final complete list of books on your blog no later than midnight today, September 26. Post your results at the end of the challenge (the challenge ends December 21st) on your blog for others to see. You can use the check mark or the "strike through" formatting to show the books you've finished.
Here's my list:
(some of which I have already started but just can't find the time to finish)
Jewels of the Sun by Nora Roberts
She's All That by Kristin Billerbeck
The Chocolate Bridal Bash by JoAnna Carl
How to Murder a Millionaire by Nancy Martin
The Endearment by LaVyrle Spencer
Somebody to Love by Kate Rothwell
The Bachelor by Carly Phillips
Golden Days by Mary Connealy
Petticoat Ranch by Mary Connealy
True Light by Terri Blackstock
The Election by Jerome Teel
Flashpoint by Frank Creed
Violette Between by Alison Strobel
Quaker Summer by Lisa Samson
Violet Among the Roses by Cricket Starr
Infinite Space Infinite God by Karina & Robert Fabian
One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich
Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich
Four to Score by Janet Evanovich
High Five by Janet Evanovich
Hot Six by Janet Evanovich
Seven Up by Janet Evanovich
Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich
To the Nines by Janet Evanovich
Ten Big Ones by Janet Evanovich
Eleven on Top by Janet Evanovich
Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich
Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich
Match Me if You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips