Saturday, September 29, 2007
Beyond the Tears by Michelle Cary
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When Michelle isn’t engrossed in her favorite hobby of scrapbooking pictures of her family and friends, she usually can be found with a laptop attached to the end of her fingers.
A lover of romance novels, Michelle decided two years ago to try her hand at creating fictional worlds through words instead of paint. The result has given her an entirely new perspective on the world. Every day affords new opportunities for ideas and new ways to create the perfect happily ever after.
Raised in ‘small town’ Illinois, Michelle now lives in New Jersey with her extremely supportive albeit somewhat neglected husband and their two beautiful children. For updates on her latest work, check out her website at or visit her blog at
Why did you become a writer? Was it a dream of yours since you were younger or did the desire to write happen later in your life?
Up until about 2 ½ years ago I’d never considered the idea of writing. Then, believe it or not, after watching an episode of Deadliest Catch, I had a story line start building in my head. Over the years I’ve had a lot of them, but after a day or two it would go away. This one plagued me for over two weeks and I finally said something to my husband about it. He told me to write it down so I could get it out of my head. 75k later and I had a full novel. Of course, being my first it was horrible and went nowhere, but somewhere in the process of getting out my thoughts I was bitten by the writing bug and here I am.
What do you love about being an author? Is there anything you dislike?
I love the look I get from people when I tell them I’m published. Most of them become instantly interested and want to know how I find the time to write and how hard it is.
I think my biggest dislike would be waiting for responses when you’ve subbed a story. I know I’m supposed to move on and forget it until my editor contacts me, still, I find myself constantly checking my e-mail waiting for that elusive message.
How do you balance your personal and writing time?
It’s not easy. I have a ‘real job’ as most people would call it, two children ages 10 and 4 and a husband, so squeezing in time to write comes at the price of my own sleep. I usually write after the children go to bed at night or before they get up in the mornings.
How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story?
Usually it’s a character that comes to me first. I have to name him/her and create a backstory, then, if it’s worth following a plot will start to form.
What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?
Anything romance. My first two contracts are both for stories that fall in the erotic romance line, but I also have a romantic suspense novel in the works.
Why do I write the stories I write? I guess it would be because I love the idea of a happy ending. Life is filled with so much real life horror and sorrow that the last thing I’d want to do is write about it. I want the story that will give me a warm fuzzy feeling deep in my belly, the one that I can finish with a smile on my face, turn off the lights and go to bed knowing my dreams will be happy ones.
What is the biggest misconception about being an author?
LOL…that you make a lot of money. I have made some money on my first book, but nothing that’s going to support me. I think it might be enough to pay one bill.
Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
I’ve never based any of my characters on real people. That’s not to say I haven’t used particular phrases or traits from people I know, but a character is never entirely based on somebody I know.
Out of all the characters that you've written, who is your favorite and why?
I have a love for all my characters, but I think my favorites would have to be my hero and heroine from my romantic suspense novel, A Lover’s Ransom. Riley Whitaker is a small town sheriff nursing a broken heart. Vanessa Beaumont is the daughter of a horse racing tycoon, bent on protecting her favorite horse from her ex-husband’s grasp. They struggle against each other and their own hearts as their love blossoms. The story is yet to go under contract, but it’s with my editor even as I write this, so I’m hoping she’ll say yes soon.
If you were writing a script for the big screen, who would you want to act in your movie?
Wow, I’m not sure. I don’t keep up much with movies and Hollywood, so picking people wouldn’t be easy. I do love Sandra Bullock’s work so I’d want her to be my lead.
What would you want readers to take away from your books?
It would make my day if my characters touched readers in such a way that they walk away still thinking about the book, wondering about how the characters are doing after the story. I’ve read books like that, and would be thrilled if my stories had that same effect on people.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers in regards to writing a book?
Don’t be too proud to listen to advice. I’m a member of a critique group and learned nearly everything I know because of them. All my stories go through a critique process before I sub them. I wouldn’t be published now if I hadn’t listened to those who had been there before me.
Who are your favorite authors?
Nora Roberts is at the top of that list. In my opinion, she is the Queen of romance. I also love Janet Evanovich, Sandra Brown.
What are you reading right now?
I’m embarrassed to say, nothing. I work for a pool company and this is our busy season. I’ve also had two extra house guests for the last seven months, so between work and keeping on top of the mess in my house, I’ve barely had time to write. Reading didn’t work into those plans. I’m hoping to pick up a book soon.
A year after her husband died while serving in Iraq, Cassidy Yates still nurses a broken heart. Thinking a vacation will help, she agrees to a week in Key West with her best friend, April. Upon arrival, April suggests a way for Cassidy to ease her pain—sleep with the sexiest stud she can find.
Not the type to bed hop, Cassidy refuses April’s idea and ends up alone. Abandoned by her friend, Cassidy decides to take a nighttime swim. In the Jacuzzi, she masturbates to the memories of making love to her husband. Mortified by her own behavior, Cassidy retreats to her hotel room, hoping no one witnessed her exhibition.
Chase Dempsey is a man with rugged good looks and a killer smile. He isn’t looking to fall in love and only wants few days of relaxation before returning to his Texas ranch. Still, he’s curious after watching Cassidy’s erotic display and wonders what makes the gorgeous redhead tick. When he finds her dropped sarong, he realizes she’s just given him the opportunity to find out…
The last time her home felt so large and lonely was after Bobby died. During the week after his death the house had been filled with concerned and grieving friends and relatives. Then one morning, Cassidy awoke to realize that the place was empty. Everyone had returned to their own homes and resumed their own lives, leaving Cassidy to deal with the aftermath. For days, she wandered around the house, crying and feeling sorry for herself. Now, as she walked through the door, those same feelings of sadness and dread flooded over her.
To make matters worse, the airline had lost her luggage. Two hours of arguing with

She dropped her keys on the foyer table and bent to pick up the slew of mail covering the hardwood floor. Thumbing through the stack, she discovered a letter from Bobby’s mother. Cassidy glanced over at the quilt Bobby’s mother made for their first anniversary resting on the back of the sofa.
She tossed the rest of the mail on the table, picked up her bag and went to her bedroom. After changing into a pair of cotton shorts, Cassidy donned Chase’s shirt and headed back downstairs with the letter still in hand.
Pictures of her and Bobby hung on the wall, reminding her of happier times. She set the letter on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of hot tea. Bobby’s favorite mug, with the words “Support our Troops—Do a Soldier” scrawled on the side, rested in the dish drainer. Maybe it was time to move away from the memories and start fresh.
Cassidy curled up on the couch with her mug, picked up the letter and ripped open the envelope.
Dear Cassidy,
I’m so sorry we missed you at Easter this year, but I understand your need to be with your own family. Thank you for the beautiful flower basket you sent. I plan on planting the bulbs around Robert’s grave.
Since we haven’t seen you since Christmas, Dad and I would love for you to take a week this summer and visit. I know it’s been a difficult year for you. It has been for us too, but we’re dealing with the pain and learning to move on. We can only hope that you eventually will too. Just know that no matter whom you meet or what happens in the future, you’ll always be a part of our life.
I know you’re busy, but I’d love to hear from you, so please give me a call when you get a chance.
Cassidy drew in a deep breath and set the letter back on the table. Seeing his parents at Christmas had been so painful that she’d made a point to avoid them ever since. It was wrong and she’d have to try to make things right. Maybe spending a couple of days with them and facing her pain was what she needed to move on. After all, hiding inside the house only kept her rooted in the past, perpetuating her suffering.
Her focus wandered to the wedding picture sitting proudly on the top shelf of the entertainment center. A new wave of guilt washed over her. She slipped from the couch, pulled the picture down and returned to her seat. Running her fingers over Bobby’s image, she remembered that day with such clarity. With sable hair and chocolate eyes, he’d been so handsome in his black tuxedo, the definition of tall, dark and handsome.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, choking back the lump in her throat. Tears flooded her eyes and scurried down her face. “I know I promised I’d wait for you, but you made a promise too. You promised me you’d come home safe. I’ve kept my part of the deal for as long as I can.”
Tears dripped off her cheeks onto the glass, blurring his image. “I love you and I’ll always love you, but I can’t do this anymore.” She set the picture on the floor, snuggled against the throw pillow and pulled the quilt off the back of the couch. “I want more.”
5 Blue Ribbons:"Michelle Cary does a magnificent job of taking a wounded soul and a lonely one and bringing them together. I wanted to cry when Chase left to return home. Cassidy was alone again, but she was determined to go on - alone. But will it last?"
-- Nickie Langdon, Romance Junkies
4 Angels: "Michelle Cary’s Beyond The Tears is a heartwarming book of a second chance at love. Chase and Cassidy are delightful characters that each have to face past hurts to find the love that they have been searching for… The sexual connection between the two is balanced by the strong emotional bond neither is able to deny… This title should not be missed."
-- Tewanda, Fallen Angel Reviews
Beyond the Tears by Michelle Cary
ISBN: 1-59998-577-2
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Release Date: June 15, 2007
Genre: Chick lit
$2.50 from
Purchase Beyond the Tears by Michelle Cary HERE!!!