Monday, August 06, 2007
The Sun Rose Over Cairo by Dana Littlejohn
Dana Littlejohn was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, but she has called Indianapolis, In. her home for over 10 years. Since childhood she loved to write and it showed in contest winning poetry and writing short stories to entertain her friends. To date she has published three full length romance novels, three novellas and four short stories and will participate in two anthologies. Stop by her website’s and see what’s happening next with her.
Cairo Ivory is a lawyer who had that and so much more to deal with in the course of a busy work week at the law offices of Berkeley, Townsend and Franklin. She has spent the last year doing divorce cases and though she has had a 96% win ratio, she would be glad when her divorce run was over. When it was finally over she was asked to take over a few divorce cases from another lawyer and reluctantly said yes. A high power corporate lawyer pulled some strings to make sure she got Cairo to represent her when she found out about Cairo's success. After doing divorces for so long she was beginning to think that relationships just didn't last anymore.
In the middle of the drama, death and divorces she met Jose Sanchez. He was sweet, gallant, respectful and sexy without even knowing it. He believed in the all the old fashion values about love and marriage that she believed in, that seemed to have gotten lost as the generations passed. In the middle of all the craziness in her life, could he be the one to remind her that relationships can last forever?
“So, Jose, are you always this charming or is this ploy to get into my panties?” she asked playfully.
His blush was instant as he tried to laugh it away. “Charming? No, not at all, I’m just being me, but if you find that charming then I’ll take whatever extras come with it.”
She chuckled again. “I don’t know, you might not want to get into my panties,” she

Confusion settled on his handsome features as he absorbed what she said and then he burst in to fits of laughter. “I don’t think I’ve heard that particular metaphor for abstinence before.”
She chuckled, nodding and picked up her glass again. “Well, I’m just speaking the truth, Jose.”
“Well, I think we’re in the same boat, then, Cairo. It’s been a long time since I had sex, too, years, in fact.”
She chuckled. “So I guess we’re both second time virgins, huh? It’ll be like starting all over again if we were to hook up.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
They sat laughing together for a while. As their laughter eased they once again caught each others eye over the candle light. A whole conversation passed between them, without a single word spoken a loud. Jose was the first to break the heavy, sexually charged silence.
“Check, please!”
Cairo drove back to her house in record time and Jose pulled up right behind her. She frantically opened the door as she and Jose tripped over each others, feet kissing and pawing each other. Kicking her slippers out of the way as she guided him backwards to the couch where she fell over the arm pulling him on top of her.
Why did you become a writer? Was it a dream of yours since you were younger or did the desire to write happen later in your life?
I have always wanted to write. I've been writing since I was in elementary school. I work a full time job, but my dream was always to be a full time writer.
What do you love about being an author? Is there anything you dislike?
I love spinning the webs, the actual story telling. You can build your own worlds any way you like. i think that is so cool and there is no down side to that.
How do you balance your personal and writing time?
I used to write during my every waking lunch at work, before work, in the car, after work, where ever, but then I hurt my foot and was laid up for almost 3 months. When that occurred I had plenty of time to write and took advantage of it. I usually write on paper than transfer to computer so i can write anywhere.
How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story?
Hmm, it depends on the story, but most of the time the story comes first and then the characters. For me the story just comes to mind and then the people build themselves.
What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?
I write romance. I love the idea of love and I believe in love conquers all.
Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
It's a toss up. I based a few of them on real people, but most of them come from my head. :-)
Out of all the characters that you've written, who is your favorite and why?
My favorite character, by far, is Peter Cook. I love that he is a lover and believes in love at first sight. He instantly knew the woman of his dreams and took a leap of faith.
What would you want readers to take away from your books?
I want people to be able to connect to my characters one way or another. I want them to feel the love, feel the sex or just say I know some one just like that. That would be cool.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers in regards to writing a book?
My advice to authors is simply this: stay true to your voice. Another author said that to me when I first started writing and I remind myself of that every time I start a project. I may have my favorite authors, Piers Anthony, Jackie Collins and even Bertrice Small, but I try to learn from them not to copy from them.
What are you reading right now?
Between working and working I haven't been reading as much as I used to.
If you could be anyone or anything that you wanted, who or what would you be?
If I could be anything in the world, I would honestly want to be a author...famous, of course, but still an author. :-)
Cairo Ivory is a lawyer who had that and so much more to deal with in the course of a busy work week at the law offices of Berkeley, Townsend and Franklin. She has spent the last year doing divorce cases and was beginning to think that relationships just didn't last anymore. In the middle of the drama, death and divorces she met Jose Sanchez. He was sweet, gallant, respectful and sexy without even knowing it. In the middle of all the craziness in her life, could he be the one to remind her that relationships can last forever?
Dana Littlejohn’s flare for interesting names for her characters is shown in The Sun Rose Over Cairo. The main female, Cairo Ivory, is a bold breath of fresh air. She is independent, strong, honest and is in no way a damsel in distress. Jose Sanchez brings sexy to a whole new level and is a welcomed change from your typical bitter male. Not only that, but Mr. Sanchez is sensual and knows just how to kiss a lady. I found it cute the way he trips over his words, feelings and actions because he hadn’t been in the dating game for so long.
The friendships that are forged in this story are breathtakingly genuine in their perfection and are friendships that every one of us would love in our lives. The Sun Rose Over Cairo has a plot that is rich with thorough writing and a surprise at every turn. One surprise will leave you giggling and breathless.
It is a wonderful experience and is highly recommended with four roses from the REC.
-- Reviewed by Tigra Luna LeMar
The Sun Rose Over Cairo by Dana Littlejohn
Genre: Contemporary/IR
Length: Novel
Rating: Tidal Wave
$4.99 from Ocean's Mist Press
Purchase The Sun Rose Over Cairo by Dana Littlejohn HERE!!