Thursday, August 02, 2007
Lie to Me by Selah March
Part of the "Just the Bare Facts, Ma'am" AmberPax Collection
Sometimes in life, you make mistakes...mistakes so dire, they force you to abandon everything and everyone you ever knew and start over clean, in a new place. With a new name. And a new life.
It's not easy, but it can be done. If you're careful. If you walk a straight line and don't let anyone inside.
MaryJane Peters (not her real name) is about to find out what happens when loneliness and desperation make her stumble off that straight line and let someone get so far inside, she loses track of where she ends and he begins.
...Call me vain, but I find it tough to hold a grudge against a guy who's just admitted my mere presence interferes with his basic thought processes. "Can I ask a question?"
"You can ask. Can't promise I'll answer."
I rolled my eyes. Typical cop. "What was it that tipped you off to me? What made you run the prints? Was it my slip about the older brother?"
He nodded. "That, and the Jersey accent that popped up after the third glass of wine. The blue contacts didn't help either."
"Plus there was the way you reacted to McDane. Pretty extreme."
I sighed. "Anything else?"
He considered me for a second or two. "You want to know the big tip-off?"
He looked away, as if trying to formulate his next statement. "Generally speaking, nice girls named MaryJane from Indiana can't...they don't..."
"Suck cock like I do?"
For a second, I thought I'd finally killed him with my filthy, unfeminine mouth. His

I went with the impulse. His reaction was satisfying, if a little overwhelming. He slammed me against the fridge as if he meant to bust us both right through the door. I heard glass rattle around inside and had time to wonder if anything spilled before there was no more oxygen to feed my brain because he'd squeezed it all out of my lungs, pressing up against me so hard. If I hadn't known better, I'd have sworn there were secret messages encoded on the roof of my mouth, the way he used his tongue on me.
Fragments of thoughts, like I should try to breathe, and this would be a good time to maybe lift my arms, skittered across the surface of my brain, but my lungs weren't taking orders at the moment, and my limbs felt as if they were full of wet sand.
He eased off finally and I sucked in some air. He muttered what might've been an apology, then licked a trail up my neck and chased it with a bite to my earlobe.
"Bedroom," he said, more distinctly, but with a pained undertone. Like maybe it would cause him physical discomfort not to be kissing me for the thirty seconds it would take us to relocate.
I nodded, not interested in wasting perfectly good oxygen on words.
4 Angels: "Lie To Me is an adventurous romp through small town life with enticing characters and a tempting mystery. MaryJane is a strong woman who has tried to put her past behind her by changing her name and moving to a town where no one knows her. Drew has a tormented past and is on a mission to try and make up for his past mistakes with his current job.
Selah March has penned an exciting tale that is packed full of comedy, witty banter, and sizzling hot scenes that I’m giving 4 Angels.”
5 Kisses: "Selah March tells a riveting story of what happens to someone who falls into a trap of her own making by living life as a lie, and why making a new life isn't the best course of action if one plans to fall for an undercover cop who can ruin everything she’s worked so hard to keep secret...You'll be left clutching the edge of your seat and anxious to find out how it all unfolds and whether or not the hero and heroine have a chance at making a life together. 'Sensational' is the only word to describe this tale of espionage, suspense and last, but not least, two lost souls searching for a love they never thought possible!"
-- Joni,
4 Stars: "With its fast start, good suspense elements and strong erotic tone, March's story will keep readers well entertained...Drew Donnelly and MJ Peters are about to get up close and personal. The question is, does Drew know MJ's secrets before he seduces her? Also, what will she do when she discovers the truth about Drew? This smart-mouthed, sarcastic woman has good reason for the secrets in her life. Before Drew showed up in her small town, she was doing pretty well. With him in her bed and now in her head, all that is about to be shaken up."
-- Leigh Rowling, Romantic Times Book Reviews
Selah March was born, grew up, and continues to reside in the northeastern United States. A wife and mother, she has in English Literature, and is published in short fiction and non-fiction under another name. Selah enjoys solitude, long walks after nightfall, and the bracing rigors of a six-month-long winter.
Visit her website at:
Lie to Me by Selah March
ISBN: 1-59279-593-5
Genres: Contemporary/Suspense/Thriller
Length: Extended Novella (32k words)
$4.50 from Amber Quill Press
Purchase Lie to Me by Selah March HERE!!