Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Compulsion by Cassandra Curtis
Cassandra Curtis started her writing career in grade school. She would illustrate and write colorful stories using magic markers, crayons and sheets from her alphabet tablet, and sell them to other school kids for a penny. While the venture didn’t make a lot of money, it did mean she could indulge her love of comic books.
She spent her formative years travelling with her parents, learning a smattering of languages–usually just enough to get her in trouble. After college, she worked as a reporter and photojournalist, while continuing her love of art. Ms. Curtis now writes fiction full-time.
An avid gardener and wildlife enthusiast, she enjoys the magick found in nature. Her interests include: art, antiques, astronomy, folklore, mythology, genealogy, music, eastern philosophy and collecting magickal artifacts.
A member of both the World Romance Writers, and Romance Divas, Ms. Curtis won the 2006 Amber Quill Press Heat Wave Contest with her novella, Cup of Fate.
For more info, visit
Author group blog:
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Why did you become a writer? Was it a dream of yours since you were younger or did the desire to write happen later in your life?
When I started second grade I began combining my love of art with writing stories to create little comic books. I would take sheets from my alphabet tablet and draw on them in little boxes, like in the comics. I wrote all the stories.
What do you love about being an author? Is there anything you dislike?
I love creating characters, then throwing them together to see what they'll do. I also love it when readers email me about my stories. Especially the ones who want sequels. :) Keeps me motivated.
Dislikes? Hmm, probably the fact that I'm a slow typist. Another author might finish a first draft in 30 days, while it may take me months, due to my hunt and peck methodology. LOL.
How do you balance your personal and writing time?
I juggle fast. Family comes first. Writing is a close second. Time is always something I have to search for. But then, I think that's true of most folks.
How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story?
You know, it always varies. Some stories, it's the concept or storyline that intrigues me. Other times, the characters jump out and demand their own book. Usually it's the hero who does the jumping. :P
What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?
I write paranormal erotic romances. I like the sexier spin on romance and I love the paranormal edge. I write what I love. Which means reader may have a long wait for Cassandra Curtis to write a western or a historical romance! LOL
Do you tend to base your characters on real people or are they totally from your imagination?
Totally from my imagination, although I might give them little "quirks" that are based on a variety of people I know.
Out of all the characters that you've written, who is your favorite and why?
Of my books currently in release, I'd have to say Sebastian from I Put A Spell On You. He's so naughty, but also wicked fun. And the love he has for Tess is incredibly strong.
What would you want readers to take away from your books?
A smile. I want readers to enjoy themselves, to grin after they read my books. I want them to remember that love and sex don't have to be dark and serious all the time to be good.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers in regards to writing a book?
Read a lot. Learn what is out there before you begin, and get a feel for what genre suits you best.
What are you reading right now?
Cora Zane's newest release Dominant Territory. I love her werewolves.
If you could be anyone or anything that you wanted, who or what would you be?
Ooh, I'd like to be a sea siren like the heroine of my upcoming book, Song of the Sea, book two of my Shifting Tides trilogy. Vivilyn Ondine is sultry and her voice is pure magick.
Lindsay Dannon has a dirty little secret. While she hides behind her plain and proper image at work, a wanton woman with a rich fantasy life lurks beneath the surface. The thrill of sex in public places, and the risk of exposure, is a compulsive itch she knows only one man can scratch—her boss, Jack Randolph.
The company’s “no tolerance” policy on interoffice dating is the only thing stopping her. Good thing Jack created the rules, because he’s determined to make all of Lindsay’s sexual fantasies come true…
(Warning: Excerpt contains adult material)
The presentation screen sat directly in front of her, yet she could only see his strong, capable hands. Lindsay shivered at the possibilities…at the delicious adrenaline rush. The idea of being caught in a compromising position with Jack Randolph made her squirm in her seat.
She tried once more to focus on things like cost analysis and projections, while her body hummed with excitement.
He glanced her way. Oh, hell! Was she supposed to respond to something? She cleared

She tried to look anywhere except at him, but he commanded the room with his personality, and demanded her attention. A secret fear tingled throughout her body, one she’d come to recognize well these past two years. No way she could deny it anymore or the thrill she got from it. Risk. That’s what it was really about, that almost giddy surge, the reckless abandon—the risk.
She imagined that big, warm body of his, spread like a feast… She knew exactly what she’d do. Pull off that ridiculous tie and button-down shirt—maybe rip the shirt, popping buttons everywhere. She’d push him onto the conference table. Next, she’d take off her blouse and rub her breasts over the coarse hair on his flat belly. Then she’d slide lower, undo the buckle of his belt, unzip those slacks and let the bulge of his magnificent cock spring free.
Would he taste as good as he looked? She wanted to find out. She licked her lips and clenched her thighs as heat pooled low within her. He’d be stiff and ready for her pleasure. The door would be open only enough for a sliver of light to escape. Someone could walk in at any minute and see them.
He’d beg her to straddle him, ride him hard. She’d climb onto the table and ever-so-slowly ease herself down over his cock, watch that steel-like rod disappear from view.
A noise outside would cause them to look at the door. Wonder if they had been caught. But she wouldn’t stop. No, she’d slide him in deeper, make him call out her name and risk exposure.
It was her favorite fantasy, her constant desire.
“Ms. Dannon?” The irritation in the voice managed to get through. “If you’d rather be home searching the want ads instead of sitting here in a meeting…?”
Lindsay blinked, any risqué thoughts driven from her mind. “No, Mr. Randolph.”
Damn him. What was wrong with her? Surely it couldn’t be normal to have such wicked thoughts—especially about a hard-ass like Jack Randolph. Fantasizing about him had become a weird sort of compulsion—it made her feel dirty. And she liked it.
She wanted to be the one to reveal the flesh and blood human living underneath the suit and tie. The one who brought him to his knees…made him so hot, so eager for her, he’d forget everything and lose control.
What would he do if he ever found out about her secret daydreams? A vision popped into her head. Jack pulling her tight against him, fucking her—hard, fast, on the floor, the table, against a wall. A ripple of excitement chased under her skin at the thought. Her nipples tightened and began to ache
"4.5 Blue Ribbons!...The perfect title for this hot little quickie by Cassandra Curtis. From the first glimpse into Lindsay's fantasy world, you are compelled to keep reading. When Jack and Lindsay's relationship finally progresses to the real thing, it's even better than she'd imagined. But you start wondering can a relationship truly develop with a start like theirs? You've got to read Compulsion for yourself to find out, but I promise this story will not disappoint."
-- Heather M. Riley, Romance Junkies
"5 Kisses!...Will grab you from the first sentence and not let go until the end. This author writes with style, passion, and heat! Her characters leap off the pages and right into your heart and they hold a feral sense of desire that sweeps you off your feet from the get-go. This is another...of Ms. Curtis’ books that you don’t want to miss! Reviewer’s note: This is the second book of Ms. Curtis’ that I have read and reviewed and if you haven’t read her, then you are missing out on the best! This book deserves a five and beyond!"
-- Cia Leah, Romance Divas
"Multiple O's!...A fast-paced spicy romance that readers will devour and come back for more."
-- Sinclair Reid, Romance Reviews Today
Compulsion by Cassandra Curtis
ISBN-13: 978-1-60272-003-9
Genre: Contemporary/Exhibitionism
Length: Extended Amber Kiss (11k words)
$4.00 from Amber Heat
Purchase Compulsion by Cassandra Curtis HERE!!!