Saturday, May 10, 2008
Are You Ready For A Change?
You Can Have More In Life!
Life coach, Misty Taggart is here to help. She says, " Nothing in your life will ever change if you don't stop long enough to discover your dream ... find your passion. Look at the possibilities. And make a plan of action!"
Tomorrow doesn't have to be like yesterday! Rather than looking back, take the time to look at what your tomorrows can be based on the changes you make today.
Discover a new way to look at your life and uncover the possibilities open to you. The only one giving up on you ... is you!
Misty will partner with you to cheer you on to change and challenge you to reach your potential. As a Certified Christian Life Coach who specializes in guiding women through change and challenges, she's offering you a very special, limited opportunity.
The Question Is: Are you courageous enough to reach out and take it? Misty believes you can do it, through the power and strength of Christ within you.
Experience 4 1-hour POSSIBILITIES BOOTCAMP Life Coaching Sessions with Misty and see for yourself what coaching feels like and what it can do for you! This offer is only for those who are new to Misty's Life Coaching. You will be in a group of other women who, like you, want more from their lives. And the best part? You will have one-on-one time with Misty each week.
You will enjoy one-on-one coaching from Misty ... as you find out the joy and marvelous life changing experience of being part of a Christian Life Coaching Group.
You will have a choice of times, there will be a morning and evening sessions. DON'T MISS THIS EXCITING OPPORTUNITY! You'll be amazed at what you will learn in only 4 weeks. Misty will help you set very doable goals Misty based on your dreams, and then she will provide you with step-by-step challenges to help you make these goals become reality in your life.
What you will receive:
* 4 1-hour Coaching Sessions with Misty
* Christian Journaling e-Workbook, written by Misty
* Misty's 40-minute audio workshop
All for just $75. That's less than $20 a week, for a customized personalized life coach!
All of Misty's Christian Life Coaching Groups meet on BRIDGE telephone lines. You can access the sessions on any telephone. Space is limited. (You can choose your class day and time when you speak with Misty.)
What Katy P. says:
I felt so ordinary, before I met Misty Taggart. When she talks about our lives as women, it's as if she knows me personally and can read my mind. More importantly, it's as if she can read my heart. Her life coaching skills have helped me change my perspective to realize I may be an ordinary woman, but I have an extraordinary God!
Kathleen V. says:
"I would have never known how marvelous it is to have a Christian Life Coach if I hadn't tried it. I love it. Misty's Coaching has given me the impetus to get going on things that I knew I needed to do. I'm just generally feeling better about me and my tomorrows."
Evelyn R. says:
Misty's Coaching is so action orientated. After every call, I know what I'm going to do to achieve my goals! I'm really seeing such progress each week. That's what I needed, a PLAN.
To sign up for this latest teleworkshop,or to learn more about Ordinary Woman/
Extraordinary God, go to: